Solar Power Southeast | Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, GA | May 29th, 2019
Ron DiFelice of Energy Intelligence Partners will be a panelist for “Energy Storage: Balancing Both Sides of the Meter” talk.
According to the Solar Power Southeast website:
“The region’s largest solar and storage event is approaching
Solar Power Southeast returns for the 5th year to Atlanta, Georgia. This year’s event will bring over 700 attendees and 60 exhibitors to the exhibit hall, located in the Georgia World Congress Center.
You can expect to hear from utility, private sector, and non-profit leaders from throughout the Southeast region. Leaders from Southern Company, Duke Energy, Dominion Energy, Longi Solar, Hanwa Q Cells, Chargepoint and more are confirmed to speak at the event. The schedule includes discussions about interconnection, microgrids, EVs, regional state outlooks, resilience and more.”
Learn more: